Xenia Community Schools Foundation Receives Classroom Grant Sponsorships for the 2024-2025 School Year
Xenia Community Schools Foundation (XCSF) awarded almost $28,000.00 for fifteen grants to the Xenia Community
Schools in June 2024. The grants fund projects are innovative and provide
enhancements to the standard school curriculum. Recently received funds for an
additional project will provide performance arts exposure to Xenia High School
Muse Machine will once again perform at Xenia High School thanks to the
generosity of Paul Marshall. Paul Marshall is a member of the Xenia Community
Schools Foundation's Hall of Honor and a member of the XHS Class of 1959. Grant funds will be used for three in-school
performances including: The Writer's Pen (Dayton Contemporary Dance Company),
The Life and Music of Louis Armstrong and Macbeth. They will provide arts learning to connect
students and teachers to artistic experiences and, additionally, provide for
opportunities for some students to attend outside performances and/or a field
trip to the Dayton Art Institute.
The Xenia Rotary Club also approved sponsorship funds towards the Warner Middle School “Community Learning Lab” project. Students in the WMS Self Contained classes are provided intensive instruction in functional daily living and social skills. Funds for this project will be used for activities that provide such experiences out of the classroom.
The grants awarded by the Foundation would not be possible without the help of the community. The Foundation announced a “Sponsor a Grant Program” six years ago. Individuals, organizations and businesses commit to providing funds to cover a portion of or an entire grant for a minimum of $500.00. Grants available for sponsorship have been selected by the XCSF Board of Directors from staff-submitted applications and an extensive application review and selection process conducted in conjunction with Xenia Community Schools.
The Xenia Community Schools Foundation awards grants to teachers and staff of the Xenia Community Schools. Any Xenia Community Schools’ staff or community member can apply to the Foundation to fund special projects in classrooms. Projects are geared towards enriching student learning. Some applications represent district-wide initiatives. All the grants for Xenia Community School students and teachers are beyond what regular school funding can provide.
Community Schools Foundation, formerly known as the Xenia Educational Endowment
Fund, is an Ohio non-profit 501(C) (3) corporation. Gifts made to the XCSF
qualify as tax deductible charitable contributions. The Board of Directors
includes both local residents and staff of the Xenia Community Schools
District. For information about the XCSF, visit the website
(xcsfoundation.com), check them out on Facebook (Xenia Community Schools
Foundation) or leave a message at the Chamber of Commerce at 937-372-3591.